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Ship Stationery

Life Transitions


You've decided to risk it, but you're haven't yet arrived.  You may be about to set sail, in mid-ocean, or pulling up to the shoreline.  Limbo is the most difficult stretch of the journey.  It's likely that you're excited, but it's not unmixed: 

During the leave-taking phase, you began to identify less with your environment .  Sometime after arrival, you will begin to identify more with your new one.  But for now . . .  you may feel at sea.

Difficult though they may be, these thoughts and feelings are a normal part of the limbo stage.  It is important to stay connected to family and old friends at this time.  Equally so, to distract yourself by engaging in some enjoyable activities.  Read a great book, watch some dumb reality show, plan the living space you will create, try to find an appealing Meetup at your destination .  If none of this helps enough, a good therapist can help you find your way through.


I'm adrift; it's like I've lost my identity.

How will I ever fit in there?


 I'll never have friends like those I left.


This was the wrong decision.

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